Agrivoltaics light up green power use

Time:2024-02-18 21:41:10

As energy complementation garners increasing attention for saving and efficiency ends, an emerging model known as "agrivoltaics" is prevailing in Wudi county of Binzhou, Shandong province.

The new model combines the use of sunlight and coastal mudflats for aquatic products and PV electricity production, as well as integrating aquaculture with salt production, achieving multiple uses of seawater along with energy conservation and increased efficiency.

About 41315.19 metric tons of standard coal can be saved each year, and 110264.16 tons of CO2 emissions are reduced due to the innovative model, promoting a comprehensive development for land use, environmental protection, local employment and the tourism industry, according to official data from State Grid Wudi Power Supply Co.

In order to ensure stable power generation and safe supply, the power supplier has joined hands with the local government's supply guarantee team to ensure smooth operation of the new model and optimized grid structure.

In addition, daily power balance analysis and inspections have also been carried out in a timely manner based on the grid load, to ensure the sufficient consumption of photovoltaic power and promote the green transformation of energy structure, said the company.

Index RMB/t DoD Basis Date
Datong 5500 700 0 ex-mine 05-04
Shuozhou 5200 680 0 FOR 05-04
Ordos 5500 700 0 ex-mine 05-04
Yulin 6200 780 0 ex-mine 05-04
Liulin Low-sulphur 900 0 ex-mine 05-04
Gujiao Low-sulphur 1770 -50 FOR 05-04
Xingtai Low-sulphur 2360 0 ex-Factory 05-04
Yangquan PCI 1280 -30 FOR 05-04
Index RMB/t WoW WoW% Date
Qinhuangdao 507.0 1.0 0.20 05-04
Caofeidian 541.0 9.0 1.69 05-04
Huanghua 216.9 12.4 6.06 05-04
Guangzhou 291.2 3.0 1.04 04-27
coastal 6PPs 1629.8 44.7 2.82 07-02
North Ports 2697.8 53.0 2.00 02-01
Yangtze River delta 1242.5 -74.7 -5.67 02-01
South Ports 2233.4 -216.0 -8.82 02-01